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    Cathay Pacific
    Earn Asia Miles effortlessly from your daily spending

    Shop via shop.asiamiles.com to earn Asia Miles while making successful purchases from our online partners at a rate up to 1USD=6.

    Enjoy worldwide offers

    Enjoy exclusive shopping rewards across a wide array of partners spanning over 17 categories.

    Discover over 1,000 popular brands

    Elevate your shopping experience with our wide range of online shopping partners, offering everything from luxury beauty products to electronics.

    Step 1: Log in

    Please log in to your Cathay account before starting your online shopping journey with our partners.

    If you haven't logged in yet, you can still browse the website, and you'll be prompted to log in when you decide to shop with our partners.

    Step 2: Choose your favorite brand

    Simply select a store and you'll be redirected to their website or app to make your purchase. Miles earned will be automatically tracked through cookies.

    Step 3: Earn miles with ease

    After your successful purchase, miles will appear as 'Pending' in the "My purchases" section within 5 working days.

    Once the respective merchant approves the purchase, miles will be credited to your account, and the status will change to 'Approved'.